Toshiaki Tanaka




He received the B.E. and M.E. degrees in communication engineering from Osaka University, Japan, in 1984 and 1986 respectively. He joined KDD (now KDDI) and has been engaged in the research o cryptographic protocol, Mobile security, digital rights management, and intrusion detection techniques. He is currently a senior manager of the Security Lab. In KDDI R & D Laboratories Inc. He is a member of IEICE and IPSJ.


Research Activities


Program Committee:

1st International Workshop on Security (IWSEC2006)

2nd International Workshop on Security (IWSEC2007)




Journal Papers


Tanaka, Nakao, gDesign, Implementation and Evaluation of Document Processing Functions Based on ODA Converter for Document Conferencing Systemh, Journal of the Institute of Television Engineers of Japan, Vol47, No.10, pp.1340-1350, 1993


Tanaka, Yamada, Haroti, gColleague: Joint Editing System Based on Structured Multimedia Documenth, IPSJ Journal, Vol.36, No.6, pp.1310-1321, 1995


International Conference Papers


Tanaka, Yamada: Introduction of CDH (Cooperative@Document Handling) and its Feasibility Study on Multimedia Document Conferencing System, The Fifth IEEE COMSOC International Workshop on Multimedia Communications (MULTIMEDIA 1994), pp.4-3-1-4-3-6, 1994


Tanaka, Nakao, Kiyomoto: Proposal of the Secure Agent Model for Intelligent Transportation Systems, The 2nd International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC 2001), Vol.3, pp.1235-1240, 2001


Tanaka, Kiyomoto, Kojima, Sato, Fujise: Implementation and Evaluation of Secure Protocols for ITS Reservationand Downloading Services      ITS Telecommunications 2002 (ITST2002), pp.263-268, 2002


Tanaka, gCurrent Topics on Mobile PKI (Invited Talk)h, The Third International Workshop for Applied PKI(IWAP2004), 2004


Domestic Conference Papers


Tanaka, Sakazawa, Kiyomoto, Nakao, g Design and Implementation of message authentication system for Digital Streaming Servic, The 2002 Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security 2002 (SCIS2002), 8D-4, pp.561-566, 2002


Tanaka, Sekino, Kikuchi, Umezawa, hCurrent Topics on PKI Technologies for Mobile Commerceh, Technical Report of IEICE, 2003


Tanaka, g On the security analysis of SSL (Invited Talk)h, Workshop on Next Generation Network Software, 2003


Tanaka: gIT security and QoS (Invited Talk)h, First Workshop on QoS, 2004



Standardization Activities


ITU-T SG8 Q.15 Rapporteur (1994`1997)

Member of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27/WG2 1999`