Ryuzou Nishi

1986 I graduated in department of physics, faculty of science from Hiroshima University
1986- I was employed as a wireless system engineer at Mitsubishi Electric
Corporation Co.,Ltd., where I developed and designed the high efficiency
modulation for wireless communication system, especially Spread Spectrum
Wireless Communication System.
1991- I was employed at Kyushu Matsushita Electric Co.,Ltd., where I developed
and designed spread spectrum wireless communication systems and broadband
wireless communication systems.
2002- renamed to Panasonic Communications Co.,Ltd.(PCC)
2004- I was employed as a resident researcher at Institute of Systems, Information
Technologies and Nanotechnologies (ISIT)(renamed from Institute of Systems,
Information Technologies on 2008), where I had researched the security,
especially key management technique for home network.
2006- Now, I am employed in developing security and wireless techniques in PCC.
2010- renamed to Panasonic System Netoworks Co.,Ltd.(PSN)

- Ryuzou NISHI Yoshiaki HORI Kouichi SAKURAI : "Reliable Key Distribution Scheme
  for Lossy Channels", IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems Volume E91-D
  No.5 May 2008
- Ryuzou NISHI Yoshiaki HORI Kouichi SAKURAI : "A Coding Scheme Using Matched Filter
  Resistant against DoS Attack to PHY(physical)/MAC(Media Access Control) Layer in
  Wireless Communication," IPSJ Journal, pp.1499-1506, Vol.51 No.9, September 2010.

[International Conference Papers]
- Ryuzou Nishi, Hitoshi Morioka, Kouichi Sakurai : "Trends and Issues for Security
  of Home-Network Based on Power Line Communication", The First International
  Workshop on Ubiquitous Smart Worlds (USW'05), AINA2005 Vol.2, pp.655-660, Mar.
- Ryuzou Nishi, Kouichi Sakurai : "Group key distribution scheme for reducing
  required rekey message size", The First International Workshop on Security in
  Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS05), ICPAD2005 Vol.2, pp.280-284, Jul.
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "Key Distribution Scheme Using
  Matched Filter Resistant against DoS Attack", The Third International Symposium
  on Ubiquitous Application & Security Service (UASS2008), Mar.2008.
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "Secrecy Capacity of Wireless LAN
  Standard",Third International Workshop on Advances in Information Security,
- Ryuzou NISHI, Kirill Morozov, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "Improvement on
  Secrecy Capacity of Wireless LAN using Matched Filter," Proceedings of the IEEE
  7th International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks -Workshops
  (MSN2011), IEEE Computer Society, December 2011

[Domestic Conference Papers]
- Ryuzou Nishi, Hitoshi Morioka, Kouichi Sakurai : "A Consideration on Security of
  Home-Network Based on Power Line Communication", Computer Security Symposium
  (CSS2004), Vol.2, pp.31-36, October 2004.
- Ryuzou Nishi, Hitoshi Morioka, Kouichi Sakurai : "The Trend of the Power Line
  Communication and the Issues on the Security", The First Interdisciplinary
  Symposium on Information Security, Nov. 2004.
- Ryuzou Nishi, Kouichi Sakurai : "Efficient group key distribution scheme to
  decrease required rekey message length", Symposium on Cryptography and Information
  Security 2005 (SCIS2005), pp. 1243-1248 Jan. 2005.
- Ryuzou Nishi, Kouichi Sakurai : "Key Revocation Scheme where Rekey Message Size is
  independent of Group Size", Computer Security Symposium 2005, Oct. 2005.
- Ryuzou Nishi, Kouichi Sakurai : "Efficient and Reliable Group Key Distribution
  Scheme with a Group Member's Perspective", Symposium on Cryptography and
  Information Security 2006 (SCIS2006), Jan. 2006.
- Ryuzou Nishi, Kouichi Sakurai : "Rekey Handshake for High Speed Power Line
  Communication Systems", IEEJ-KYUSHU-BRANCH Sep.2007
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "Key Distribution Scheme Using
  Matched Filter Resistant to DoS Attack", Computer Security Symposium (CSS2007),
  October 2007
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "Rekey Synchronization Scheme
  using Beacon", Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security 2008 (SCIS2008),
  Jan. 2008
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "A Coding Scheme using Matched
  Filter to protect IEEE802.11i 4-Way Handshake against DoS attack", IEICE
  Technical report, July 2008
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "Notes on the Implementation of
  Secret Key Distribution using Secrecy Capacity Concept in Wireless Communication
  Systems", Computer Security Symposium (CSS2008), October 2008
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI, Toru Koda : "The Proposal of Coding
  Scheme using Matched Filter for Improvement of Secrecy Capacity", Symposium on
  Cryptography and Information Security 2009 (SCIS2009),Jan. 2009
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI, Toru Koda : "The Proposal of Coding
  Scheme for Improvement of Secrecy Capacity Over the fading channel", Multimedia,
  Distribution,Cooperative,and Mobile Symposium(DICOMO2009)  July  2009
- Ryuzou NISHI, Yoshiaki HORI, Kouichi SAKURAI : "Investigation on implementation
  of secrecy capcity concept for wireless LAN," Proceedings of The 2009 Symposium
  on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS2010), January 2010.

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